That's a Wrap!

Hi all!

Great news!

We’ve completed filming Beyond The Duplex Planet!

Our most recent shoot on November 21 did the trick, filling in a lot of “holes” we had in the current cut of the film --- the story of David Greenberger and his unique approach to conversation and art. The shoot we did included a final interview with David and some lovely studio performances with him and musical collaborator, Tyson Rogers.


David Greenberger (left) and his music collaborator Tyson Rogers on set for the final shoot of Beyond The Duplex Planet

(left to right) Kevin Forrest (camera), Jordan Eusebio (sound), Tyson Rogers and David 

(left to right) Ted Davee (camera), Kevin Forrest (camera), Brenda Rose (art direction) at work

Longtime friends Producer/Director Beth Harrington and David lunching with Tyson


Now, editor Emily von W Gilbert will take this new material and (as she does) artfully work it into the cut. 

Last newsletter we shared the opening sequence of the upcoming film. But in case you missed it, here’s our trailer.

Here's the opening sequence from our most recent cut!


This brings us so much closer to finishing that David, Tyson and I have been talking about “what’s next” scenarios for the film – festivals, art house screenings with live performance, museum presentations, streaming and broadcast ideas.  The goal is to get some buzz about the film and hopefully “eventize” screenings with performances by David and Tyson. Looking for sponsors and other sorts of support since tickets sales alone can’t cover all the costs.

I’ve been at this indie film thing now for over 40 years (Yes! What kind of madness is this?) and I can say quite unequivocally that it’s a wild and wooly world out there now for filmmakers -- wilder and woolier than ever, that is! And of course, the same thing applies to music and spoken word performance. So David, Tyson and I are open to ideas about this from all of you! We’re all ears. We’re anxious to take the finished film on the road.


“Stage clothes” hanging in the car. Mt. Hood in the background. It would make a cool album cover, no? Photo by Tyson Rogers


Meanwhile, speaking of ears, we need to finish fundraising to cover sound design and other post-production costs. Your generosity has gotten us here; your donations have defrayed a lot of outstanding expenses and will cover the edit up ahead. But there’s more to go. Our completion goal is $15,000. If you or someone you know is inclined to give, simply click here. And, as we approach the end of the year, it’s worth noting that your donation is tax deductible. 

Thanks so much for getting us here. Just a little more to go!

On behalf of everyone involved with Beyond The Duplex Planet, happy holidays! We hope you have a great “wrap” to 2023 and a bright 2024.

Beth Harrington

As always, if you think you know someone who might want to hear about and/or support our film, please share this newsletter! 

Beth and the Team